So I was cleaning in the studio. Specifically, the acid cabinet since I know a lot about the acids. In the back, there was a Tupperwear container that changed my life. The container was marked "Copper Etch." The solution was brown, endicitive of Ferric Chloride, which is used to etch copper. Ferric Chloride removes small amounts of copper at a slow rate, allowing for patterns and designs, as well as for technical specs like circuit boards. I picked it up and noticed that the container was a bit heavy, so I opened it to see what I had to do. When I opened it, I saw something undescribably beautiful! Green crystals everywhere! Likely, it was chlorine crystals.
Here's some pictures of the crystals.

I tried to remove some (with gloves, rubber apron, respirator, and eye protection on of course), but they crumbled in my fingers. So after my moment of awe and shock, I then realized that this crystals are living out their lifespan, and that I had the incredibly unfortunate task of ending it. Using ammonia, I neutralized the Ferric Chloride. But as if in a crazy way of laughing at me, the crystals had one last ounce of beauty to them. In their neutralization, they made an absolutely beautiful brown and blue chemical cloud in the water.

I know that this all sounded like some interpretive BS, like the Family Guy plastic bag in the wind thing, but it's not. This was seriously, for me, great inspiration and seems to be the memento mori maximum.
See you space cowboy....