This piece was greatly inspired by many influences that I took notice of during my trip to Texas for the SNAG conference. One of the most influencial presentations that I saw was Kathleen Browne's presentation on Hyperpractice.
So this piece, to fill the assignment of sound ornamentation, is a piece for self medication. It is an Arabian-style veil that will have hundreds of individual strands of beads. Around the crown of the veil will be many many many little bunches of cast brass mushrooms, all different from eachother.
Here's some pictures of the work in progress. I have included some rather uninteresting images purely for the fact that I've had several people ask me to explain the process of lost wax casting, and figured that I'd include a little more images than normal.

Five of the mushrooms sprewed.

Five of the mushrooms sprewed.

All of the lovely math to convert the weight of the wax over to bronze.

The mushrooms in the flask.
See you space cowboy......
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