Who Am I?

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I'm a designer of different types. I am a Metalsmithing major with a Photography and Graphic Design background. I also design haunted houses and props for America's Screampark, Frightworld. I play bass in a band called Thrown to the Wolves, too.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

In The Press

Well there were a couple of great write-ups and mentions of the Slime City Double Feature benefit back on May 9 where JPHii design was mentioned by name, but I haven't had a chance until now to share them. So here's two of them:

This is a blog entry by Jen Heppel, the mother of Ben Heppel who is the 8 year old boy that the benefit was for.

"Back to Roswell this am for a spinal and chemo. Ben is in great spirits this morning and is having lots of fun goofing around with the nurses and docs. Such a goofball!

Went to the Slime City/Slime City Massacre double feature last night. Had a fantastic time. Can't thank Greg Lamberson enough for putting together the double feature. The entertainment valu for Tom and I last night was priceless. Enjoyed myself far beyond my expectations of watching the fim through my fingers! The people there were all amazing as well. Fantastic raffle of a variety of treats, bookd, movies, etc. Who knew that kind-hearted and "horror" go hand in hand!

Ben even got a special piece of jewelery designed and given to him by John Harris, a pharoah symbol, which funny enough Ben recognized right away from an epidsode of Scooby Doo! He loves his new charm!

The film Slime City was made in the late 80's and the follow up film Slime City massacre is being released today. We will be in line for our copy! Want to be able to show Ben...someday when he is a bit older :)
This next write-up is a small portion of an online horror publication called The Bloodsprayer and can be found at Bloodsprayer.com:

"Following SLIME CITY Greg held the “Non-Horror Raffle,” giving away items such as a signed Buffalo Bills lithograph, gift baskets for massages and “chocolate facials,” (we all snickered too) etc. One of the high points of the night was during the Non-Horror Raffle, as Greg raffled a one of a kind piece of jewelry, a pendant made from a recycled drumkit cymbal by John Harris of JPHii Jewelry, bearing the SCM title. John also made a singular piece for Benjamin in the image of an Egyptian Ankh, which he presented to Benjamin’s parents for him. It was a really touching moment, and the whole audience was silent as the grave for it."

So there you have it, some great mentions there.

See you space cowboy...

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