I'm starting to work with masks more with some refinement in concept, design, and technique. I learned a lot with Contemporary Shaman Mask of the healer, including techniques to limit the clean-up, and produce a more efficient process. I also learned more about the use of masks, and the incorporation of the human body conceptually and functionally.
My series is based on the theme of
Insanity. There will be three masks in this series being
Psychosis, Depression, and Paranoia. The first mask to be produced (or at least be started) will be Psychosis, which is currently being worked on. Depression will soon follow using entirely new techniques based on metal's own Chasing and Repousse. Depression will contain none of the previous base used for the mask; resin. Paranoia will probably also use a new technique and medium of fiberglass, but I'll burn that bridge when I get there.
Here's some photos of
Psychosis up until now.

This is the start of the mask. The basic shape of it.

This is the mask expaned into a raw version of its final form.

This is the mask completed in clay and sealed.

This is the mold of the mask, still containing the original.
What will separate this mask from the precious one? Well, the concept is key. My previous mask did not interact much with the body, and the handle was a mere handle, with no impact on the wearer. Now, for a traditional shamanistic mask, that is acceptable. However, for masks showing raw human emotion and mental "deformaty," mask/wearer interaction is a necessity. As far as the
Psychosis mask, this will be done in a few ways. The handle will be more integrated in concept and function. The "handle" of this piece is 4 brass rings on either side of the head. These rings will be around the temple of the mask in that the wearer must cover their ears to hold the mask to their head. On top of that, there will be a neck brace coming off of the mask forcing the wearer to look upwards. So picture a humanoid face looking upwards, screaming, and covering their ears. It sounds quite psychotic indeed.
Depression and
Paranoia will also supply some dark, creepy, and rather disturbing suprises to them. So keep an eye out.
See you space cowboy.......